60 days to become a game developer. Day 9
I finally added today the audio portion of my game. It is awesome! I also worked on building the game and deployed it to the web. I still need to figure out how to put it out there so people can try it. But I know the leaders at GameDevHQ will help in that process. I think the coolest part of this was when I was able to show my kids the cool game features and actually let them play a few rounds. They thought it was so cool that I had built this. It actually made me feel very good inside to be able to build and play something that I created. Ya Jonathan coached you in the videos but really it was on you to complete the tasks. It was fun. I am about 93% done with the 2D portion and I am hoping I can be done with deployment of this gam by the end of the weekend.
Things I learned about my self through this part of the training was not to doubt myself and not to doubt my team. Everyone is here to help and to help me if they can.
I started working with my team lead Jeff. The dude is awesome and really supportive and I feel he gets me through my blogs. This is all so new to me and I love it. I can not stress enough how thankful I am to Aloha Connections for setting me up with this and GameDevHQ in giving me a chance at this. I know I am one of many in the pandemic that has lost there jobs and trying to find a purpose in this crazy place we call Earth but I am starting to have more purpose each day and looking forward to new tasks as well!