60 days to become a game developer. Day 29
Today we got some good news that they extended the funding till the 28th. We got word the day before that the State was going to end the funding program that so many of my fellow interns from all ages and all walks of life who have been devastated by this pandemic with the loss of there jobs and careers. This new path to learning a new craft that is in demand has been un real. Life changing in other words for most of us including my self. The people that I have met in this field are helpful and become a beacon of hope to the future. I have been out of work since March. I have applied to everything that you can imagine. I have gotten nothing. No response. I have been given a path to start something with GameDevHQ to creating a new job that I can see myself thriving in. I have been doing this part time due to the children being home and hoping I can fully dive in come January when they get to go back to school more. But to hear that we may not be extended through the new year is hurtful. But I do hope the State can see what we are doing here and what Jonathan and his leads have done so far by creating a path into a new life for so many locals who have been affected. Time will tell.
Today I finally got the music on my game to transition into my boss music. Also figured out a few more problems with my shields that seemed to not display when it was collected.
private AudioSource _audioSource;
Then went into by spawn routine and adjusted the code like below to stop the audio music for the main game.
IEnumerator SpawnEnemyWave3()
int wave3count3 = 0;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f);{
Vector3 posToSpawn = new Vector3(0f, 7, 0);
GameObject newEnemy = Instantiate(_enemyBoss, posToSpawn, Quaternion.identity);
newEnemy.transform.parent = _enemyContainer.transform;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f);
wave3count3 = wave3count3 + 1;
Once it was implemented it was quite simple. Once the music stopped my boss prefab had the audio source to start playing the boss music once it came into scene. So there. Once thing completed. Going to start adding weapons tomorrow hopfully.