60 days to become a game developer. Day 30
Today I was stuck on trying to trouble shoot these small issues on my Space Shooter Game. I really wanted to simply complete it. But I got stuck on the explosion prefab not working correctly on my players. It started with me accidentally deleting my animation. That took all morning to figure out. One thing I figured there is no one way of doing things. I spent a few hours with team e trying to trouble shoot it but we got really know where. So I jumped on a call with Jeff and he showed me his way of doing it. Honestly my head was got full of so much knowledge that I had a mental melt down and was just stumped. Really I still have so much more to learn with Unity and understanding how things work. But I was able to add a double laser with the boss and got him to explode finally. Only a few more things I need to complete to finally deploy this game. But this is my first game so it is not pretty. These are the final things needed to complete my game.
- Add additional audio explosion to the Boss destruction.
- Add additional weapon to the Boss. Laser beam?
- Add “Game Over” after Boss is destroyed and game is over.
- Fix small explosion scene on my secondary enemy prefab.
Once I get those complete I think I will finish the game up and deploy it.